Title: Xmas Trivia #2
Categories: Information, Holiday
Yield: 1 servings
======== CHRISTMAS TOWNS ========
Many towns in the United States have names that remind one of
Christmas. In fact, one town in Florida IS called Christmas.
Christmas Cove is in Maine and Oregon has Christmas Valley. Quite a
few towns have the name of places Jesus visited while He lived on
earth. Palestine is in Illinois, West Virginia and Texas. Mount
Olivet is in Kentucky, Olivet is in Michigan and Illinois, and three
states - Mississippi, Illinois and North Carolina- have a Mount
Olive. Bethlehem is found in at least six states: Georgia,
Kentucky, Maryland, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota.
The states of Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and Oklahoma all have towns
named Bethany. Jordan is in Monatna. Texas and Pennsylvania both
have a Nazareth. Damaxcus is a town in Virginia. Lebanon isfoundin
Wisconsin, Virginia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Oregon,NewYork,
Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri and Ohio. Christmas plants have been
remembered by those naming towns. Mistletoe is in Kentucky,
Evergreen in Louisiana, Cranberry in West Virginian and Cranberry
Lake in New Jersey. Three states have a Mount Holly: New Jersey,
Vermont and Virginia. Holly is in Colorado. Hollybush and Holly hill
are in Kentucky. You can visit Holly Ridge in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and North Carolina. North Carolina also has Holly
Springs andso does Mississippi. And Mississippi also has Holly Bluff.
St Joseph is found in Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Michigan, and Tennessee. Oregon has a town name Joseph.
Arizona has a Joseph City.
There is a St Mary in Kenctucky and Montana. St Marys is in
Indiana, Ohio, Kansas and Missouri. St Marys City is in Maryland.
The most famous Christmas town is in Indiana. It is calledSanta Claus.
(There is also a Santa Claus in California, but for some reason few
peopleknow about it.) Thousands of people send cards and packages to
Santa Claus, Indiana where the postmaster adds the Santa Claus
postmark before sending them through the mail. However adequate
postge must be added by the original sender for the mail to be
forewarded. Santa has a big castle in theIndian town name for him.
Every year during the holiday season, thousands of people visit the
jolly man's castle. How did the town of Santa Claus, Indiana get its
name?? It was not always called this. When the town was founded
years ago, it was known as Santafee. Another town in Indiana had
this name. A state cannot have two towns with the same name, so
citizens of one Santafee had a meeting to decide on a new name. The
meeting took place on Christmas eve, 1855 and so Santa Claus was the
name chosen for the town. Perhaps there are other towns in the
United States that have a Christmas realted name. Be on the lookout
for them. Origin: Newspaper insert for the Cariboo Observer, December
21, 1994. Shared by: Sharon Stevens, Dec/94.
Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 12-11-95